10 Digital Photography Lessons For Beginners and Dummies

Posted by writer on Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Možda posljednje, ali najvažnija digitalne fotografije pouka za svakoga je da se u naviku objavljivanja fotografije na Vašu web stranicu, blog ili čak na forumima i molba za komentar. To je najbolji način da saznate i poboljšati, tako dugo dok možete prihvatiti konstruktivnu kritiku.


For those who invest in a digital SLR camera, just a click of the shutter with the camera set to auto not only lose the opportunity, it is also blasphemy. Learning these few lessons will help you to get thinking about ways to get more from your camera, no matter what it is.

For those who invest in a digital SLR camera, just a click of the shutter with the camera set to auto not only lose the opportunity, it is also blasphemy. Learning these few lessons will help you to get thinking about ways to get more from your camera, no matter what it is.


1 Read the manual: After the camera, read the manual and find all the features lists. Experiment at home even before you get your camera out. Play around with it and try suggestions in the manual.


2 Not all the light is equal to: Learn more about white balance. Each light source has a different temperature, which affects the color of your images. Learn how to use the correct settings for the fluro, flash, incandescent, and sunlight.


3 Framing is everything: Experiment with framing and learn the rule of thirds. Even technically great photo is the average if it is poorly framed.


4 View Finder: Note the viewfinder on the subjects head and legs. Many good photos have been spoiled by cutting off body parts.


6 Take off glasses: will be on the lookout for eye glasses. Although most people wear sunglasses or reading, they can actually detract from fotografije.Dobar portrait subjects include the eyes, which are afterall the window of the soul.

7 Take your time: Be prepared to spend a lot of time photographing small children or animals. If you do not have patience, do not bother. You may have to shoot 50 photos to get one that is half acceptable. The second point is, children and animals pick up on the vibe and will never work if you're in a rush, or frustrated.

8 Consider the color and contrast: always consider the color of your main subject and background. You will need more light and exposure to black pet / person / object than you think. If your background is much lighter than the subject, the light meter to correctly expose for the background, but not your subject, which will be a dark featureless blob.

8 Consider the color and contrast: always consider the color of your main subject and background. You will need more light and exposure to black pet / person / object than you think. If your background is much lighter than the subject, the light meter to correctly expose for the background, but not your subject, which will be a dark featureless blob.


10 group shots: When framing a family group, try to bring one or two ahead of the crowd, even crouched down. You can crop a lot closer then it makes a much better photo than one in which 10 people standing in a line in the distance.

10 group shots: When framing a family group, try to bring one or two ahead of the crowd, even crouched down. You can crop a lot closer then it makes a much better photo than one in which 10 people standing in a line in the distance.


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